Tuesday, 17 November 2009


you blush and look downwards at your shoes - drat, you're not even wearing shoes yet - and mumble an apology:

err, i'm sorry, my watch... didn't realise that it was... broken and something happened, i'm not sure what... stuck at four-fifteen... actually, four-seventeen

and in the incoherence of your thoughts, all you can think about is how embarrassing this is, and he probably is already thinking of taking off. at your own doorstep. before the date's even begun. that's an all time new-record low. nice. but just as you're bashing yourself for your bad luck, he jumps in and makes the save:

eh, no worries. happens to me all the time .

and changes the subject faster than you can say 'holy raptor jesus, batman,'

um, here. i got these for you

and hands you the bouquet of flowers, and box of chocolates. your cat-like reflexes (and the fact that you're hungry like an ethiopian red-headed step-child) reach for the box of chocolates first, and as you muster up a smile for the gentleman, you realise that it's a box of dark chocolate -

aw crap, i hate dark chocolate.

and the flowers are - yeap you guessed it - red roses.

oh come on, where has the creativity gone? well, at least he's sweet.

1. do you want to thank him and say 'oh wow, dark chocolate! my favourite'

2. or would you prefer to just say a simple 'thanks' and smile as you accept the gift
3. or would you use the powers of girly-eyes (tm) as you coo 'awwww, you got me roses'.

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