Tuesday 17 November 2009


yeap, obviously the right thing to do at this point is play the wild-card: the girl's right, and if you want any of this tail, boy you better recognise.

as you invite him in, you notice him giving a slight frown, paired with a 'uhuh' smile and you bet that in his mind's eye, he's rolling them hazel eyes in disbelief (deduct one romance point, which, as you started out with 0, is now -1)

'if you'll just give me a second,' you whisk away to grab your shoes, while simultaneously gesturing him to sit down with one hand and slamming the door shut with another, 'i'll just be a second and we should be set to go.'

you dash upstairs to grab your brand new pradas / d&gs / whatever it is shoes you prefer and as you're passing the hallway downstairs, you realise that you've not put on your make-up, yet.

jesus-freaking-christ, i look like a two-dollar saigon whore.

1. are you going to put on your make-up quickly, before you dash downstairs?
2. or are you just going to wing it?

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