Tuesday, 17 November 2009


as you reach the bottom of the stairs, he looks at you nervously,

'ummm, you've got a little something on your, uh...'

as he gestures to his face, making a circle around his well built cheek-bones, up to his hazel eyes and back down to his little stubble.

obviously referring to your now-horribaddible make-up, he hands you his handkerchief. however, he seems content that you haven't wasted more time than you already have, and smiles warmly as he leads the way out your door, walking slowly to allow you the opportunity to fix your make-up as you scramble to open your latchable-mirror in your purse. (add one romance point to your current score - if you have not met an indication such as this before, you start off at 0, and now have +1 points).

both of you step out the door, into the rain, which is now giving way to a patchwork of sunbeams, slitting through the dreary clouds. things are looking up, and as you dabble the last remnants of mascara off your cheeks, so do you, and you finally get a look at your date's face with sufficient time to take it all in.

1. do you suggest that you head on down to starbucks, where you were initially meant to meet
2. or do you forgo the idea, since you're already late, and risk a bit more of a serious leap, and suggest you head to the cinema a few blocks down
3. alternatively, you are pretty famished, so you're going to suggest both of you grab something to eat at a restaurant you've been eying for some time

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